Boians 3D Robot character to play the guitar. SKU: B3DC000690

보이안스 3D 기타 연주를 하는 로보트 캐릭터들.
Boians 3D Robot character to play the guitar.

Image Size: 5000×6667 Pixel, 300 Dpi

1. Format: PNG Image, RGB Color, 300 Dpi.
2. Delivery: Send to customer email.
3. Delivery time: Within 1 day of your email.
4. Payment: PayPal, Direct Bank Transfer.
5. License: Extended License (Commercial)
6. Receiving Account: USD, EUR, GBP, KRW, JPY
7. Author: 보이안스 조주영, Boians Cho Joo Young.
8. Format: JPG, BMP, GIF can be changed.

Please refer to the FAQ for detailed purchase instructions.

$20 Add to cart
Boians 3D Green Robot character to play the acoustic guitar. SKU: B3DC000677

보이안스 3D 통기타를 연주하는 그린 로보트 캐릭터.
Boians 3D Green Robot character to play the acoustic guitar.

Image Size: 5000×4280 Pixel, 300 Dpi

1. Format: PNG Image, RGB Color, 300 Dpi.
2. Delivery: Send to customer email.
3. Delivery time: Within 1 day of your email.
4. Payment: PayPal, Direct Bank Transfer.
5. License: Extended License (Commercial)
6. Receiving Account: USD, EUR, GBP, KRW, JPY
7. Author: 보이안스 조주영, Boians Cho Joo Young.
8. Format: JPG, BMP, GIF can be changed.

Please refer to the FAQ for detailed purchase instructions.

$20 Add to cart